If you are starting a marketing business, you are probably carrying out years of planning and hoping. This time is fulfilling because you can see your hard work pay off. However, this period may also be very stressful for you. Take care of these three areas so that you can minimize your workload and focus on those issues that really need your attention.
Regulate Employees’ Hours
Managing employees can quickly consume most of your time if you attempt to do everything by hand or on paper. People will always have questions about their hours, personal days, sick days and other time-related concerns. You may also worry about your employees’ honesty if they do not clock in electronically. Consider investing in employee time tracking software for your business to take care of some of these concerns. You can customize this software with many features, such as allowing your employees to clock in and out and request time off. Employees can download the software as an app on their phones or access it from their computers. All of the information related to time tracking will be in one place, and the system will regulate itself so that you have to do very little work in this area.
Maintain Clients’ Trust
If you want to succeed in marketing, you need to give your clients a reason to continue to use your business instead of your competitors. To help you in this goal, create some kind of customer loyalty system that shows you care personally about each client. For example, keep track of the dates that clients begin using your services, and on the anniversary of your business partnership, send them an email with a special discount or another promotional offer. You may struggle to offer discounts in your business’s early days, but you can also develop a customer loyalty system that offers quicker project completion or another incentive.
Whatever incentive system you decide on, make sure to standardize it for all your customers so that no one accuses you of favoritism. Make an infographic that explains your loyalty program and make it available to potential clients by giving it to them at your first meeting or posting in on your website. Depending on how quickly your business grows, you may need to hire several people to work in customer relations. However, in the early days of your business, you may be able to have several of your employees share these duties. You can purchase calendar software that sends reminders when it is time to send out something that encourages your customers to continue using your business.
Improving Brand Recognition
In order to attract business, people need to know your business’s name and what it does. You need to have a strong image that you present to clients. Make sure your company’s name makes sense and does not have an acronym that is associated with another group. Design a logo or contract a graphic designer to create one. Use the same logo for all promotional materials, including your website, signs and official papers. You also should have a slogan that is short, catchy and representative of your business. Stay away from generic ideas such as “best in the business.”
With the increasing digitalization of commerce, your marketing business needs an online presence. This means you need a website that is easy to use and looks attractive. However, you also must have social media accounts that you regularly update. Updates do not always have to be related to your products; you could feature an employee each week or post pictures of team-building activities. These posts will help clients to see you as a person-focused company. If possible, you could conduct business online as well by allowing clients to order your marketing services electronically.
Improve your chances of success by utilizing time tracking software for your employees, developing a customer loyalty program and developing a strong brand. Settle the details of these tasks as soon as possible so you can move onto more complicated issues.
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