Whether it’s their birthday, the holidays are coming up, or you just want to show them you care, giving your friends gifts should be a great experience for all involved. Of course, to make it a great experience for them, you’re probably struggling with making sure you get a thoughtful gift that’s related to your friends’ interests or on that provides some practical value. The truth is, now that lockdown restrictions are being lifted, your friends will probably be thrilled just to see you. While that may save you from worrying about the perfect gift this time, it’s still a good idea to pick something that’s a bit personal and that almost anyone could use. On that note, here are a few unique gift ideas that will make great surprises for your friends.
Treat them to a luxury watch.
We’re going big from the start here, but a quality watch really is one of the best gifts for the friend who has everything, if you have someone like that in your life. Stainless steel watches are among the most popular examples of practical jewelry, and it serves as an investment as well. Even if you go with a traditional watch, you’ll be giving an elegant timepiece that serves as a status symbol. A mechanical watch will feature an analog dial, and it may also track moon cycles. Even if a watch features a digital dial, it’s most likely a traditional watch. If you want to get onboard with the latest trends when shopping, you’ll be interested to know that smartwatches, like the Apple Watch, have exploded in popularity over the last few years.
A quick smartwatch comparison can easily highlight the differences between these and traditional watches. A smartwatch is basically a computer that you wear on your wrist. It’s similar to a smartphone or other mobile device when it comes to functions, but it comes with the prestige of a luxury watch brand. Smartwatches have been released for many years, but it was the Apple Watch that really brought them into the public eye. The Apple Watch Series is known for prioritizing health and fitness apps, so it can be a great choice for the health conscious friend. Check out reviews of different smartwatch models to find one with the best battery life and functions that you’re confident your friend will enjoy.
Gift them with a great experience.
A gift doesn’t always have to be a physical product. In fact, it’s becoming more trendy these days to give friends and family unforgettable experiences. This could include something like a family vacation or a spa retreat. Of course, if you’re looking for something more casual to enjoy with a friend, consider a DC rooftop brunch.
A rooftop view is always impressive, and where better to enjoy all-American food and drink than the nation’s capital in D.C.? The TAKODA Rooftop Beer Garden & Bar in Shaw, D.C. is a great place for you and a group of friends to get your fill with TAKODA’s bottomless brunch menu. Experience bottomless brunch for only $49, which now includes mimosas. If that doesn’t strike your interest, they also have happy hour specials Tuesday-Thursday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. that include basic beers, cocktails on tap, fresh wine, and even frozen drinks. Just make sure to reserve your brunch or happy hour well in advance, since you may not be able to secure seats otherwise.
Give them a fresh start.
Okay, so no one really gets a fresh start in life, but you can at least give a friend a fresh start of sorts with their skin. Tattoos are a popular form of self-expression, but they don’t always go as planned. In other cases, people may find that a tattoo they used to cherish is no longer a good representation of who they are today. If you have a friend who’s expressed regret about a tattoo they have (or multiple), consider taking them to Fresh Start Laser Clinic for tattoo removal.
Even if your friend still enjoys their tattoos, life can get in the way at times. Maybe they need to secure a new job with a strict tattoo policy, or maybe they even need to remove part of an existing one to make room for an addition. The Fresh Start Laser Tattoo Removal Clinic has affordable prices, thanks to promotions and monthly discounts, and they’ve mastered multiple methods of reducing discomfort during the laser removal process. They can even offer quick results, thanks to Quanta EVO Q Plus C laser technology, so your friend can get everything they need, regardless of skin type.
Help improve their air quality.
While most people are familiar with outdoor air pollutants, many of us don’t think about our indoor air quality. This is a mistake when you consider how easy it is to track in pollen and other allergens. Things are complicated further if your home is being filled with pet dander. While regularly changing the filters in your HVAC system can certainly help with indoor air quality, your friend may need to take things a step further with a HEPA air purifier on Amazon.
The HEPA air filter for large rooms can remove 99.97% of airborne particles, and it operates quietly, so your friend will have no trouble running it while sleeping. The best air purifiers can even help remove odors in the house, and smart features alert you as soon as the air filter needs changing. Some filters can help remove humidity from your home as well, which can prevent the growth and spread of mold and other harmful particles. Once you read all the benefits of the HEPA purifier, you may decide to pick up an air purifier for yourself as well.
Help them boost their style with greenery.
Giving living things, like pets, is usually off the table when it comes to surprise gifts, but many plant gifts are super easy to take care of and can make your friend’s living space look much better. It doesn’t hurt that they can help purify air as well by taking in CO2 and replacing it with fresh oxygen. Get them some planters for outside, and they can even boost their curb appeal with flower arrangements in the yard.
No matter what your friends are interested in, there are great gifts out there for everyone. With a bit of thought, you can find a gift that fits your friends’ personalities and provides a great experience.
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