Happiness And Technology – A New Era
We live in interesting times. Our digital age keeps evolving and we can hardly even image anymore a world where technology doesn’t have a place.
Admittedly, technology can become a challenge when we allow ourselves to fall prey to things like online bullying, social media comparison, and isolating behaviour.
But that’s not the entire story. Technology can also be good for body, mind and soul, supporting our sense of well-being and happiness. Below are four specific ways in which technology can be beneficial by boosting happiness and good health.
Learning New Things
Never before have we had more or better access to digital resources than right now. Easy-access information about physical health, emotional wellness, mental strength, and more, has made it an effortless thing to keep tabs on our bodies and minds.
Whatever the need, there’s bound to be an app just waiting to be discovered and be of help.
And even not all apps are equally effective, research has shown us that many can teach us valuable skills for boosting our sense of well-being and overall happiness. A good example of this is the research that has been ongoing regarding the benefits of leading a more mindful life. There’s nothing quite like an interactive app to teach us new and potentially life-changing skills.
Combatting Depression
A variety of studies have shown that at least 90% of young people suffering from anxiety and/or depression have accessed the internet looking for information about mental health and how to overcome these particular issues.
And even while it could be argued that we do seem to need more guidance and research about how to apply this information in an effective way, people tend to find valuable insight and support online. No longer is it necessary to battle these conditions in isolation.
In saying this, it remains important for us to increase our levels of literacy when it comes to mental (and even physical) health. This means learning how to differentiate between helpful and harmful information, i.e., knowing which websites to trust and which to discard. The more mindful and thoughtful we become regarding information, the more we’ll learn how to help ourselves overcome issues of the body and mind.
Habits And Goals
Knowing how to use technology to our advantage, whether for research or entertainment at an online casino South Africa can lead to us cultivating new and healthier habits.
Habits are essentially seemingly insignificant actions and decisions we do throughout everyday life. Even so, they’re anything but insignificant.
According to university research, our cultivated habits account for roughly 40% of our behaviour throughout the day. And since good habits are so important for overall happiness and health, knowing how to use technology to improve these is an invaluable skill.
By taking control of our habits, we truly can take control of our lives.
Social Connections
We often hear how we are wired through and through to socially connect with one another.
Engaging with others online can be good for our general state of well-being. By reaching out and connecting with those around us, we can form meaningful relationships and bonds. And since we’ve got technology to help us connect, this has never been more freely available.
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