After having to spend a lot of time inside due to the coronavirus, many people have started to realize on a very personal level just how helpful it can be to get outside and experience the fresh air and sunshine. But while you might like being outside and enjoying a natural environment, there is scientific proof that this type of exposure is actually good for your body and mind.
So whether you’re heading outside to take a walk or you’re planning on spending weeks outdoors for a hunting trip, here are three health benefits of spending more time outdoors.
Less Physical And Emotional Stress
Many people today feel a lot of physical and emotional stress in their lives. While you can reduce your stress in a lot of ways, one of the easiest ways to do this is to spend more time outside.
According to an article by the University of East Anglia published on, people who live close to nature and choose to spend quite a bit of time in nature have been seen to have lower blood pressure and heart rate, which shows that they have less stress in their bodies. Additionally, people who spend time outside also have lower levels of cortisol in their bodies, which has been linked to psychological stress. So whether you’re feeling mentally or physically stressed, being outside can help in all areas.
Restore Your Focus
The world around us can get very hectic, what with the media and technology putting all the problems of the world right in front of our eyes. With all of this information, it can be challenging to focus on the things that your mind really should be giving attention to.
To combat this, you should try spending more time outside to help restore your focus. According to Kevin Loria, a contributor to Business Insider, going outside for just 20 minutes can help almost anyone with their concentration, whether they’ve been known to have issues with concentration in the past or not.
Get Better Sleep
While spending time outside can often make you lose a bit of energy, especially if you’re in the sun for a lot of that time, this can make it much easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep at night.
This happens because, according to, being in the sun and out in nature helps with your body’s internal clock. When this clock is where it should be, your body will more easily be able to fall asleep at a decent hour and wake up without you being tired and groggy in the morning.
If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so important for people to spend some quality time outdoors on a regular basis, consider how the health benefits mentioned above could improve your life.
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