If there’s one thing most people can agree on it’s that happiness is much more enjoyable than unhappiness. Yet when it comes to being happy, it seems that most of us aren’t as happy as we would like to be. But there are some people that just always have a happy go lucky attitude. What is their secret? What do they know that we don’t? And most importantly, how do we get to the same state of mind as them?
If you’re ready to start being happier today and well into your retirement years, then here are some of the secrets you won’t want to miss.
They Forgive
The happiest people don’t go around begrudgingly remembering all of the wrongdoings of others. They forgive easily and they don’t hold grudges. When you hold a grudge, you may think that you’re exiting your power. However, in reality, you’re only holding yourself back from living a free life. Let go of situations and people that have hurt you, and move on. Happy people feel things, and then they let them go as quickly as they arrived. Harboring negative energy will only hurt yourself in the end.
They Practice Gratitude
The happiest people are the ones that aren’t constantly thinking about what they can acquire, but rather focusing on what they already have acquired. Gratitude is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself, and an important part of being happy. If you’re only focused on what you don’t have, then you forget about everything that you do have.
Take a minute every day and count all of the things in your life that you’re grateful for. Once you start looking for things to be grateful about then you start to realize how many things there are to appreciate. Practice the art of being appreciative, and you’ll find your entire world opens up.
They Love Themselves
The unhappiest people are the ones that count on others to define their self worth. Happy people love themselves, and don’t need anyone else to tell them how wonderful they are to make them feel good. They know that they don’t need anyone’s opinion other than their own.
Try to look into the mirror at least once a day and find something you like. Loving yourself isn’t just about physical appearances either. It’s also about loving the interior of yourself and being proud of your accomplishments. Happy people know how to give themselves a pat on the back for a job well done.
They Nurture Their Friendships
One of the greatest things you can do for yourself is to nurture your relationships. Spend time with the people you love, and show them that you love them. Happy people have strong friendships and a support system to reach out to when they need it. Don’t isolate yourself!