Question: What are spiritual abilities?
Teal Swan: Spiritual abilities are the many things that have been categorized under extrasensory perception. This includes telepathy, or being able to communicate with others through thought; clairvoyance, which is perceiving energy in forms other than physical matter, such as seeing auras or deceased loved ones; precognition, or predicting the future through flashes of insight; and finally, mediumship, which is being able to communicate with spiritual entities. This is done by allowing a spirit to take over your physical body and speak through you.
I would say that my area of expertise has been in precognition and telepathy. I have worked a lot with mediumship, but I have never been comfortable with it. In my own life, I only began to work seriously with mediumship about seven years ago.
Question: Can everybody develop these abilities?
Teal Swan: Yes and no. Anybody can develop their spiritual abilities, but not everyone needs them or wants them.
The abilities that people develop seem to depend on two things. One is their ancestors because none of us comes into this life completely alone. We come in with a spirit family who goes back generation after generation.
Secondly, it depends on our souls deciding what they want to learn and how much they will work at it. For example, a highly-evolved soul who has a lot of growth in their life may not care to develop spiritual abilities, but they may want human beings around them who have this ability.
So it depends on what you’re trying to accomplish and how much you’re willing to work at it. If you want these abilities for the sake of power, it’s possible to develop them in three months. If you want them to help others heal and evolve, it can take 15-20 years of dedicated work.
Question: How does one go about developing these abilities?
Teal Swan: You do this by learning how to meditate, and you also need a good spiritual teacher to guide you.
There are two types of spiritual teachers. One is the shaman, who walks in both worlds, and they teach you how to walk in this world while having an awareness of all the other unseen worlds around us. The other is a Master Teacher like Jesus or Buddha, who has no interest in dealing with reality because it’s too painful for them.
To develop your spiritual abilities, you need to walk between worlds with a shaman and then learn to work with the Masters who allow you to access their teachings through dreams and visions.
Question: Is there any danger of someone developing problems from these abilities?
Teal Swan: Yes. If a Master Teacher does not guide them, there’s a possibility of developing what’s called ‘psychic addiction’ and becoming possessed by hostile spirits.
As long as they are appropriately guided, these abilities can help us evolve to the point where we do not need them anymore.
Question: What is the effect of having these abilities?
Teal Swan: They give you the ability to help many people at one time, and they can also enhance your physical life. They allow you to perceive the true nature of the world around us, which is very empowering for some people.
These abilities also give us better discernment when it comes to choosing who we want to be with and what type of job we want. So, for example, if you’re in sales, you can begin to see which clients will buy from you and which ones aren’t.
These abilities also enhance your physical health because they give a person the ability to know everything that’s going on inside their body. This makes it easier to take care of yourself because you can see what’s malfunctioning and how to heal the problem.
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