Two years ago I wen through a divorce and I was greatly helped by the team at Kersh law firm here in Texas. These guys were absolutely brilliant with me from start to finish and thanks to them I was able to walk away with my head held high after a favorable divorce settlement. To be honest I only found Kersh because of a friend who recommended them to me, so you could say that I got pretty lucky with them. I was talking to a couple of the team at Kersh just last week, with this article in mind, and I wanted their take on how to find the best lawyer for a divorce, and here is what they shared with me.
Whittling Down Choices
The first step which the guys at Kersh told me that you should do is to begin thinning down a list of choices. In order to do this you want to make sure that you are specifically looking for a divorce lawyer, this isn’t a field for a civil or corporate lawyer. Once you have found divorce lawyers in your area then you need to start reading through some reviews and testimonials, moving your list around until you have settled on 3.
Important Aspects
Right off the bat you will need to make sure that the lawyer is charging good rates for their services and that they are near to where you live or work. You will need to go and see your lawyer quite a few times during proceedings so make sure that their offices are accessible to you.
The guys at Kersh encourage people to take as many meetings with different legal teams, until they find someone who fits in with what they are looking for. This is why they recommend that once you get that list down to about 3 or 4 options, you call each one and arrange a meeting. During the meeting you can talk about price, the situation and discuss your chances.
During the Meeting
Kersh take a lot of these meetings and their aim is always to make the client as relaxed as possible, listen to the details of the case and then respond with some kind of action plan going forward. The guys tell us that it is the client who often doesn’t know what they are looking for in this conversation. And so the key to getting a great lawyer is to check whether or not they are listening to you, do they care? Also ask yourself whether or not you believe that the legal team with whom you are speaking can win. You should feel comfortable speaking to your lawyer, they should make you feel safe and in a confident position. Finally the price has to be right, get all of those stars aligned and you will have found yourself the perfect lawyer for your divorce proceedings.
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