In an age of “fake news,” we often dismiss far-fetched stories as merely conspiracy theories. After all, it’s important to have a healthy amount of skepticism these days with all of these crazy stories floating around. Society is more polarized than ever. Some people believe that the earth’s temperature is rising due to demonic forces to the point where soon we’ll find ourselves with boiling temperatures, failing transformers, and worldwide chaos. Heck, many people believe that the world is run by an elite group of sick politicians with a dark political agenda.
And while many of these stories seem “crazy,” if there’s one thing history has shown us, it is that some of these seemingly impossible stories, also referred to as conspiracy theories, have actually turned out to be true. In many cases they were dismissed all too soon, only to be revealed a short time later that they were far from being a conspiracy theory. Here are some of the most notable conspiracy theories that against all odds, ended up being totally true.
MK Ultra
Once upon a time, the CIA discovered a method to perform mind control. While many of the details are still very secretive, the fact still remains that the CIA was attempting to get inside the minds of people and control them to their advantage. At the time this theory came out, people thought this was totally crazy, and something out of a sci-fi movie. However, documents have proven that this was an actual project, and may still be practiced today.
After all, who’s to say that if a powerful group of people discovered a way to manipulate people’s behavior, they wouldn’t take advantage of this power?
The Dalai Lama’s Connection to the CIA
While the Dalai Lama is considered a beloved worldwide figure for many and referred to as His Holiness, he may not be as holy as everyone thought. In fact, records have shown that he was paid upwards of a six-figure salary yearly by the CIA for many years. The question then becomes, what exactly are they paying the Dalai Lama for, and what is his actual role?
For many years people have claimed that the contrails in the sky left behind by airplanes are far from being normal. Known as chemtrails, these are believed to be chemicals sprayed into the air used to manipulate the earth’s temperature and weather. Initially debunked and dismissed as nothing more than a conspiracy theory, research has shown that weather manipulation is in fact happening, and continues to happen. Some people even believe that these chemtrails go far beyond weather manipulation, and are in fact the government spraying harmful chemicals into the atmosphere with the intention of harming humans.
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